What's an Intuitive Reading and how does it work?
When you look at an Intuitive Reading from the outside, it can seem magical, or at least not so easy to understand intellectually. But then again, we all know what intuition is. Most of us have had moments when we've thought, “I wish I’d just listened to myself!” We've all had experiences that have confirmed our inner knowing, even if we didn’t act on our insight or intuition at the moment.
Learning how to give an Intuitive Reading does require some technical skills. But mostly, it's about experience and being able and willing to trust in our insights and intuition.
For someone to receive a good reading, they need to be open and ready to receive new information. This is almost always the case when people come to me. It is possible for me to read people who don't volunteer information about themselves or who aren't very open to being read. But usually, in those cases, I find that the information I receive isn't all that beneficial to them, simply because they’re not ready or want to integrate new knowledge.
An Intuitive Reading is really a collaboration between two people on a spiritual and emotional level.
This is why I don’t offer gift certificates or encourage people to give Readings as gifts to others (unless those others express a strong desire for it!). A longing for new information and a deep wish for change and growth really has to come from within a person.
Intuitive Reading is not therapy. When I give readings, I usually do most of the talking. My intention is to bring out information that is ready to move from the unconscious to the conscious awareness of the person I’m reading. So, I'm not actually "finding a problem and fixing it." I am facilitating a process where a solution that already exists on the edge of someone's consciousness can rise to the surface and be recognized.
How can an Intuitive Reading 
help you?
Sometimes in life we get stuck. Being human can often feel like being in a dark room without a flashlight. When you decide to receive an Intuitive Reading, you're basically saying that you're ready for a flashlight. You're also saying that you're ready for some form of change or transformation to take place in your life.
My main focus is to provide guidance and to support people who are moving through some sort of life transition.
You might find an Intuitive Reading especially helpful if you find yourself sitting with simple yet important questions like:
What is my next step?
How do I move on from here?
How do I change my life for the better?
Predictions and the Future
When I give an Intuitive Reading, it’s always from the present moment--from the NOW, so-to-speak. Let me give you an example of what I mean.
Let's say someone asks me if they will meet their soulmate on an upcoming trip to Italy next summer.
In response to that question, I look at the readiness of the person who is asking the question. I read whether they are ready to meet their soulmate today. What will happen next summer is a question for the future, which can always be changed if the person acts differently in the NOW.
In my Reading, I am able to see if there is a chance--from the perspective of the present moment—for this person to meet their soulmate, and thus sense how good the chances are that they'll meet this person in the future.
The most likely scenario would be that I can see that some work needs to be done by this person, in order to get ready to meet their soulmate (in Italy, or anywhere for that matter). Just the fact that they are asking the question suggests that they may not be totally ready yet. If they were ready, their soulmate would probably have already showed up!
So for me, the best question to bring to a session like this isn't, "Will I meet my soulmate this summer in Italy?" It's, "What do I need to do now in order to get ready to meet my soulmate?" That kind of question makes it much easier for me to hone in on exactly what the person needs.
Questions that involve the very near future are a little different. Several times, I've been able to see things that were about to happen in the very near future. I believe this is because something in the near future is more likely to happen when it exists strongly in someone's present mind—whether it is conscious or unconscious. Often questions about the near future come up in the first place because it's somewhere in their awareness. This doesn’t mean that a near future possibility can’t be changed or redirected. If a change is wanted, this is something I can help people with.
I believe we have free will. Nothing is set in stone. Our ability to be introspective, to be flexible and to be conscious can make a huge difference in how our future presents itself. This is the reason that people can change. We have all known somebody who has managed to change radically. These are people who have not only changed the future that was expected, but they have created the future that they wanted.
About Karma
Often people think that Karma means, "what you give is what you get." But for me, Karma is not punitive. It doesn't punish us for our bad behavior or award us for our good behavior. Karma is here to help us. It gives us opportunities to reflect over our past actions and consider how we'd like to proceed with our lives going forward.
So when something happens to you, like a 'negative' experience, you are getting a chance to self-reflect. You are receiving a gift. It might be a gift in disguise! But it's still a gift.
Without Karma, we would likely keep digging ourselves deeper and deeper into a black hole without understanding why. Experiencing a "bad" event or experience is like receiving a heads-up, an invitation to take a pause and reflect, before things get even worse.
The same goes with good experiences, which are helping to show us the way to move forward.
What is Wisdom, and 
how can you get some? :-)
For me, Wisdom is knowledge. It is not the kind of knowledge that sits in the mind, but the kind that sits in the body and lives in your soul. As useful as your mind is, it gets in the way of true Wisdom because it is often wrapped up in rationality and logic.
Connecting to your feelings and your intuition can bring you the Wisdom you’re looking for.
An intuitive Reading can help you connect to your own Wisdom.
In an ideal Reading, you will receive information that is on a slightly higher vibrational level than where you find yourself right now. This means that you will get information that is just a bit out of reach for your present consciousness. The Wisdom I often see when I’m with someone is the Wisdom they already have but aren't quite conscious of yet. This is why Readings are recorded. It's important that people are given the chance to digest the information they receive, slowly over time.
Wisdom is also connected to patience and flexibility. When you get information that doesn’t sit well with you in the moment, this doesn’t mean that it’s not correct or that it will never be useful. It might just mean that you have a little resistance to the information right now.
Being flexible only requires that you are willing to consider the usefulness of outside information--not just on an intellectual level, but on a feeling and intuitive level.
After you have received a Reading, sit with the information while you meditate or contemplate. Let it sink into your body over time. You will eventually know if the information is correct or not. If you find, over time, that the information is not useful, you can let it go. But if, over time, you feel that it's right, you can integrate it as part of who you are, or where you're going.
This is also why we often accumulate Wisdom through pain and suffering. Pain and suffering force us to be flexible and to think differently about who we are and the way we live our lives.